Thursday, January 27, 2011

oh my heart is happy cause tomorrow I go to tallahassee

oh my, yes I get to go to Tallahassee this weekend! That means I get to go back to my college and that, my dear friends, means my heart just grew a couple sizes for the next 2 days. I loveeeeee, loveee, loveeeddd college. I miss it all the time. I wish that I could relive college all over. Oh my oh my seriously I'm just going to love it.

plus I get to see my dear friend Jadey, Jade. ANDDDD I get to roam around the dance department, see old friends, watch new dancers, and just love it all... and Kevin gets to come and that makes it even better cause that place is like home. Oh and we get to recognize Lynda Davis, that speaks for itself :)
Here are a few pictures from college. man, i just can't put into words what this place means to me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

this only comes around once.

I am trying to be careful to remember that planning my own wedding is something that I will only get to do once and that I need to enjoy it, remember it, and cherish it. I think it's easy to get carried away with the stressful and overwhelming part of it, but seriously do those parts really matter?

I was thinking the other day while walking around downtown franklin, how lucky Kevin and I are that so many people have helped us out with our wedding already.. specifically, I was pretty much trying to think of the ways in which we can thank all of them and let them know that. Recommendations from friends have been incredible. Most of our vendors have been responsive, quick, and easy to work with. And the one that wasn't, is no longer a part of it, and instead we have a wonderful new gal who has already made us feel much better. I think that finding the appropriate way to thank these people, is a to do very high on my "green list" towards the final months.

on a super random side note, I have a very strong desire to shrink my large ribcage, but unfortunately have no control over that one.

next, I really need to find out what I want to wear in my hair for the wedding. I have been looking, thinking, debating, over what to do, but I'm seriously not sure yet. For now, I will debate over what to wear for engagement pictures. Those are coming soon and those make me excited.

lastly, if we get anymore snow I am going to freak. I love it. It's pretty.. it makes me appreciate God's wonderful and awesome beauty.. but Tennessee can't handle it. Things shut down.. they get cancelled... they mess up my schedule... no bueno my amigos.. no bueno.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

the green list.. has 5 things checked off.

check, check, and oh right check.. that's what I am to do every day. Check at least one thing off that green list, that haunts me from the corner of my room. Today, booked the honeymoon. That is good right? Yep.

Oh, but then, booked the honeymoon and had the biggest freak out ever cause the told me I have 138 days until I get married. I could have sworn the other day it said 252 days. Where is all the time going? We are already almost halfway through January. It's crazy. Exciting, but crazy and stressful.

We have to find a new caterer. Food is important. Got to have it to make people the most happy. Huge task ahead. I had to send Momma a text and tell her to help cause I can't do it. I'm glad moms exist. For real life y'all.

thank you to everyone who is helping us out in any way they are. It's amazing and truly a blessing.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fail. at. blogging.

Ha, I told Kevin recently that we are such "go getters" when we start something, but soon our excitement fizzles and we drop off the radar of whatever it is we were so adamant to start. Well, so I skipped a month of blogging, but life got so crazy... Holidays, people in town, shows for the school where I teach... I mean deciding to blog hit the bottom of my to do list.. actually, I'm sure it never even made it on there.

December was good... KG was here for a whole 2 weeks. That is rare, so rare and with that said I really do hope that these 5 months go by fast because honestly my heart hurts every time he leaves. Family time was fun... splitting holidays is something to get used to, but it was exciting being at my house, then driving to his house and seeing how they do things... families are so different from each other. It is kind of neat realizing what is important to one house and what is important to the next.

Kevin and I made what we are calling the green list.. it's a LIME green poster board with everything that needs to get done for the wedding and every time we complete something we get to cross it off. We have it full of stuff, oh yeah, and only ONE thing crossed off. But... here's the deal, now that it is 2011 I am super motivated. So I can do this... yes I can...

I think maybe if I just keep cheering myself on and praying for God to give me the motivation and strength to get er done then I will be good.

Oh also, I'm so excited to finally dance again, especially with Amanda. Rehearsal is great and puts me in such a happy place. Dance is the best. for realz.