i am excited. overwhelmed. know that this day is going to be so emotional for me. i read cards from our shower last saturday and cried. i talked to my dear sweet friend, amanda and her mom carri and it made me cry. people who have touched my life over the years, thank you. a million times over. we are lucky. blessed. and so ready to be together.
on another fun note.. in tennessee there are the bugs called cicadas. they are pointless, disgusting, and absolutely unnecessary. they come out every 13 years. guess what, this MAY is 13 years. AWESOME. hope you like cicadas people cause there is no stopping them. i was so upset 2 nights ago, now bring on the tennis racquet and let's swat them down. okay so not a fun note, but you know.
i have so many little things left to do. NEED TO KICK IT IN TO GEAR.
we had our first shower last week. talk about having to many friends and family there to support us. amazing, incredible. but, i thought i was going to pass out before it. i was so nervous. it is kind of funny now to me. i may be nervous the day of.... i would put money on it!
here are some pictures from this past weekend. great times.