I recognize that those subject haven't the slightest thing to do with each other. But for the sake of not creating 2 separate blogs I will include them both on this post. Props to my honey for knowing just how to get me to start posting on here (mention football).
It agreement with Amanda it will be a fun football game this sunday. The Titans are forced with an extra challenge of having to prepare for 2 radically different offensive schemes, one led by the fleet-footed Vick and the other by the golden-armed Kolb. The verdict is out on which quarterback will be given the start on sunday.
Flip over the coin and the Philadelphia Fagles, oops, Eagles, will also be challenged not only by the obvious threats of Chris Johnson, but also the apparent resurgence of the Titans receiving core which has torched opposing defenses in recent weeks.
In sum, Titans 31-10. In other football news, Ben Roethlisberger is a closet homo.
Now on to the more important issue of Gainful Employment. If you haven't checked the news lately this hot topic is gaining widespread popularity. While on it's face it may not appear to effect many of you, legislators nationwide are predicting that the passing of the bill (which will be voted on in the coming months) will have a profound effect on our nations educations system.
The brief overview is this: The Department of Education, in response to a swell in the number of grad students NOT GETTING JOBS after graduation, is attempting to regulate for-profit schools (including for-profit professional schools). The regulations will force these schools to deploy more open and honest policies of publishing actual facts such as graduation rate, first-year employment, drop-out rates, etc. The regulations will also be more strict in handing out absurd amounts of federal money to kids who are obviously not going to succeed at the for-profit schools. The for-profit CEO's of these schools are fighting this tooth-n-nail because this means they personally will profit less at the expense of poor johnny who can't even figure out how to zip up his own pants yet he was granted $140K by the Fed after he was accepted to for-profit law school or medical school.
I would urge you all to learn as much as you can about this issue and if you have a chance to vote on this issue, please help continue to rebuild our nations morals and vote in favor of Gainful Employment. To embark on some self-learning you can check out 75 Federal Registry 43616 or click this link
Manda-- Sorry for being political. love you!
I'm offended by some of this blog post....Ben Rothlisberger is NOT a homo but he is gainfully employed. However, he does resemble the qualities you point out about Johnny not being able to figure out zip up his own pants....;-) See, I too can tie together politics and sports....Johnny is Ben....but he is a hell of a quarterback...ehem...2 Superbowl Rings....and he didn't accept Fed funds for "for profit" grad school ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up, thanks for playin' and don't hate the playa...hate the game!
Hang in there....Obama will figure out this whole mess by spending his way right to the resolution!!
Go Steelers!